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Friday, March 09, 2007

North American Union: The South Dakota Connection

It looks like concern about this "North American Union" thing is moving beyond something that can be dismissed as "Right-wing conspiracy theory."

WorldNetDaily has a story today about 11 states with legislation opposing various forms of this plan:

The resolutions also typically oppose the creation of North American Free Trade Act superhighways along the model of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the car-truck-train-pipeline corridor that is four football-fields wide and is being built parallel to Interstate 35 from Laredo, Texas to the border with Oklahoma, south of Oklahoma City.

The WND article lists Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and even South Dakota. The South Dakota bill listed is SCR 7, "Urging that the United States withdraw from the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other bilateral or multilateral activity that seeks to create a North American Union."

I don't know for sure if this is a part of the same thing, but the South Dakota Department of Labor says the "Heartland Express" which is upgrading Highway 79 going south out of Rapid City is a part a "superhighway" which is intended to run from Mexico to Canada.

This might be something you'll want to read up on.


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