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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Woman in 'Vegetative' State Wakes Up

For those of you who were so happy when they finally murdered Terri Schiavo a couple of years ago, I hope you think long and hard about your position when you read about the woman who spent seven years in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) like Schiavo, but woke up for three days and was talking.

From LifeSite:

A woman who spent nearly seven years in a coma, woke up for a short time Sunday and started talking. Christa Lilly, a native of Colorado Springs, relapsed into her previous unconscious state today.

Lilly suffered a heart attack and then a stroke in November 2000 and was diagnosed as being in a 'vegetative' state but with her eyes open. Like Florida's Terri Schindler Schiavo, she is being kept alive by a feeding and hydration tube while unconscious.

During her short period of wakefulness, Lilly spoke with CBS affiliate KKTV news reporters, saying, 'I think it's wonderful. It makes me so happy.' She said that she was having difficulty re-learning how to speak, but was eating cake. Lilly had experienced periods of wakefulness before, but had never spoken.

Terri Schiavio had been trying to talk, could smile and laugh, and look around for a long time before they euthanized her. But somehow none of that was important to many of you. Just because she couldn't actually talk, and because a few men in white coats said her life wasn't worth living, you jumped on the bandwagon to murder her.

Tell me: does this incident cause you to stop and think for just a moment, and maybe reevaluate your position? Or is your head still stuck firmly in the sand?


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