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Monday, March 05, 2007

Global Warming Skeptics Grow

CNS News says Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) sees growing skepticism over the global warming myth:

Some of the most recent 'scientific reversals' Inhofe discussed in his talk involve the Kyoto Treaty. Sixty scientists wrotea letter to the Canadian prime minister in 2006 and said 'Kyoto would almost certainly not exist' had they been aware of information in the 1990s that has come to light in recent years, the senator said.

Claude Allegre, a top French geophysicist, became a skeptic in 2006 after initially embracing 'alarmist' views on climate change. According to information provided by Inhofe's office, Allegre now accuses the advocates of human-induced global warming of 'being motivated by money' rather than sound science.

Inhofe also pointed to recent scientific studies which he said indicated that the sun may itself be largely responsible for the planet's warming period. Climate scientist Henrik Svensmark released a report showing that the Earth is experiencing a natural period of low-cloud cover as consequence of fewer cosmic rays entering the atmosphere.

The subject of polar bears also figured into the senator's talk.

Contrary to what has been widely reported, he said, the polar bear population is on increase, and has risen to 25,000 in comparison with 10,000 50 years ago.


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