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Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Worst Kind of Terrorism

From Fox News:

The gravest terrorist threat in the world today is Islamophobia, foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference said this week.

“It is something that has assumed xenophobic proportions,” they said.

The ministers described Islamophobia as a deliberate defamation of Islam and discrimination and intolerance against Muslims. They accused Western media of misrepresenting Islam and Muslims worldwide, according to a report in Arab News.

“The linkage of terrorists and extremists with Islam in a generalized manner is unacceptable," the ministers said.

"The gravest terrorist threat in the world today is Islamophobia"? First of all, I do not concede that there is an irrational fear of Islam (though there may be a rational fear...more on that momentarily). But it's laughable to claim that a fear of something is a greater form of terrorism than is blowing up innocent men, women and children.

And, whether they like it or not, the linkage of terrorism with Islam is completely logical. This is not to say that all Muslims are terrorists, but still, what is the religious affiliation of most terrorists today? I'll give you one hint: it isn't Christian, Bhuddist, Hindu, Wiccan or even atheist.

What was the religious affiliation of all of the 911 terrorists?

What was the religious affiliation of the people who tried to blow up the WTC in 1993?

What was the religious affiliation of the Khobar Towers bombers?

What was the religious affilation of those who blew up our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania?

What is the religious affiliation of countless people who have killed countless other innocent people in Israel?

What was the religious affiliation of those who attacked the USS Cole?

What was the religious affiliation of the Millenium Bomb plotters?

What was the religious affiliation of the shoe bomber?

I think I've made my point. Are all Muslims terrorists? No. But sadly, every time terrorists acts are perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Allah, all you hear from the Islamic community is crickets.


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