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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, May 19, 2007

Custer State Park Road Trip

My family and I took an afternoon road trip down to Custer State Park for the Open House weekend. Below are a few of the pics I took this afternoon.

The first is of an antelope that came very close to the car.

The second is one of two buffalo that were scratching their back against a road sign about 10 feet off the road. In the pic, he's looking at my daughter as she takes a picture too, as if to say, "Would you leave me alone and let me scratch my back in peace?" (My foot was ready to jump off the brake and onto the gas pedal if he decided to get aggressive with us).

The third is of one of three wild donkeys that came up to us on the road and stuck their heads in the van, begging shamelessly for peanuts or whatever we would offer them (we had nothing).

The last is one my daughter took as I held my son by the window close enough for him to pet the donkey on the nose.

South Dakota is definitely God's country! A fun time was had by all.


Haggs said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures, Bob. They brought back fond memories of when my family went through Custer State Park when I was a kid. It's definately a great place to take young kids to.

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