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Friday, May 18, 2007

Alcohol Sales on Pine Ridge: Gasoline on the Fire

Today the Rapid City Journal examines the question of whether to open Pine Ridge up to alcohol sales, especially in light of alcohol sales right on its border in Whiteclay.

Meanwhile, four stores in Whiteclay, Neb. – about two miles south of Pine Ridge village – sell about 4 million cans of beer each year, mostly to people from the Pine Ridge reservation. Crowds of people have marched from Pine Ridge to Whiteclay several times to protest alcohol sales to people from the reservation, which has one of the nation’s highest alcohol-related mortality rates.

“They contribute nothing back to our people,” said Poor Bear, who has led marches to Whiteclay. “The border towns are sure getting rich off us.”

If the tribe did legalize alcohol, Poor Bear said, tax revenues could be used to address alcohol addiction. “I feel the revenues from alcohol would really help us with the detox centers, treatment centers, help with the pain people have in turning to alcohol,” he said.

I know there are alcohol rehab programs on Pine Ridge because I visited one during a church missions project.

Is there a shortage of alcohol rehab programs on the res? The article says there is only one: Anpetu Luta Otipi. But a couple of years ago I know there was Hands of Faith. I'll do more checking on this in days to come.

Would more help the problem of alcohol abuse? Not nearly enough, I'm afraid. Alcohol rehab has some success in dealing with a problem that already exists, but does little to prevent a new problem from springing up.

When I worked in law enforcement, almost all domestic disturbance/violence situations were alcohol related. Most assaults were alcohol related, and many other crimes occurred because someone's judgment was adversely affected. And we won't even go into the dangers to public safety caused by drinking and driving. Many of society's other ills could be solved by getting rid of alcohol. Pound for pound, I think it does more widespread harm than illicit drugs.

It would be good if Whiteclay would quit selling alcohol. Someone who makes money off of other people's misery is the most despicable form of parasite.


native soldier said...

I do not think it is a good idea to legalize alcohol because there will most likely be more deaths for alcohol then ever. Being a teenager I know it’s hard not to do bad things because of peer presser and parents drinking all the time. I don’t have to live with parents drinking but I growing up with the peer presser. Most teens just give in and go with the crowd when a small amount of us try to be different. But if they legalize alcohol our future it in the balance!!!!!!

18 Year old Female
Pine Ridge High School

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