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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, May 19, 2007

Larry Rhoden Outlines 2007 Legislative Accomplishments

The Rapid City Journal features a Forum piece by state House Majority Leader Rep. Larry Rhoden of Union Center.

Rhoden outlines the successful completion of five legislative objectives and takes (mild, in my opinion) exception to those who are prone to whine.

One of the key areas he discusses is education:

This represents a total budget increase of $34.5 million for the largest one-year increase in K-12 education funding in the state’s history. And unlike most years, that was done almost entirely from state funds, not increasing local property taxes.

Rhoden also reiterates his commitment and that of other House Republicans to remembering that they serve the people of South Dakota, and have a responsibility to the taxpayers of this state.
We understand that every dollar we spend comes from the pockets of state taxpayers.

When lawmakers and other politicians forget this, the freedom and livelihood of the people always suffer.

Now, when are we going to start hearing about "Rhoden for Governor" or "Rhoden for U.S. House"?


Haggs said...

I like how he forgot to mention how part of that is one-time money that schools can't use for ongoing expenses like teacher salaries.

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