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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Abortion Support Dependent on Ignorance

Very insightful piece from today on Roe v. Wade polling.

As I've said before, how a poll is conducted and what goes into it has a lot to do with the results you get (but only conservatives do biased polling, you have to remember) :-)

Here's what was found from polling by the Judicial Confirmation Network and the Ethics and Public Policy Center:

The survey first asked Americans a generic question about whether they wanted Roe overturned and found the public opposes that by a 55 to 34 percent margin.

The polling firm then told respondents that Roe prohibits states from limiting abortion during the first six months of pregnancy and that, if Roe is overturned, states could make abortion policies that would permit abortion for some reasons and bar it for others.

The percentage changes to just 48 to 43 against overturning Roe -- almost within the margin of error -- when they get more information about what it does and doesn't do. It represents a huge shift of 16 percentage points in terms of the public attitude on the case.

The "mainstream" media feeds the public ignorance and misinformation, then capitalizes on that for their polling. But when people have the facts, you see a different picture.

I would imagine that if you went back and asked this same group the same question again over a period of several months, you would see the results skew away from supporting Roe even more.

I used to be pro-abortion because I formulated my opinion based on the garbage I was getting from the "mainstream" media. Even after I learned the truth, it was something like several weeks later, involving a fair amount of serious consideration during that time, before I faced the conclusion that I'd been wrong about abortion.

That's why it is so important for pro-lifers to take every opportunity possible to educate the public on this issue. Ignorance always has been the best friend of liberalism, and the liberal position of abortion is no exception.


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