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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Gov't Already Too Involved in Health Care

The National Center for Policy Analysis today examines "Is Health Spending Out of Control?" Regardless of whether you're for or against socialized medicine, I think everyone would agree: "Oh yeah!!!"

But is more government intervention the answer? No way!

Government health programs (principally Medicare and Medicaid) and tax subsidies accounted for more than half ($1.3 trillion) of total health expenditures in 2006.

Already more than half of the $2.2 trillion spent is spent by the government. In other words, our health care system is already more than half "nationalized" or "socialized."

Already about 1/6 of our economy goes to health care, and it's expected to rise to 1/5 in the next 9 years.

Now, when have you ever known of a government program--especially a federal gov't program--to have sufficient oversight to prevent massive waste and abuse? Even with huge amounts of regulation and oversight, which costs even more money, anything the federal government does leaks money like the Titanic.

And government programs always take away freedom, take away choice, take away individual responsibility, take away initiative, and take away innovation...not to mention taking away all the hard-earned tax dollars of the people who make America work.

Market solutions are the only solutions that can slow out-of-control health care costs. They are also the only solutions that will help ensure some respectable level of quality...unlike the long waiting lists for treatment seen in Canada and England.

The South Dakota Zaniya Project needs to take a long, hard look at this...and run as fast and as far as possible from socialized medicine. The freedom-loving, independent people of South Dakota deserve far more than to have some European socialist straight-jacket contraption of health care slapped on top of them.

Read the detailed NCPA report here.


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