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Friday, May 18, 2007

More on Ted Klaudt

So far the Argus Leader as the most detailed account of this despicable report about former state Rep. Ted Klaudt.

An excerpt:

He's accused of performing "ovary checks" and "breast exams" on one of the girls under the guise that he was helping her to donate her eggs, according to court records.

The article also says at least some of this alleged activity is supposed to have taken place in a Pierre hotel during session, reminiscent of the Dan Sutton affair.

While it wouldn't have been too extraordinary for a male page to share a room with a male legislator (before the Sutton incident, anyway), a female page sharing a room with a male legislator???

These accusations are disgusting, but there remain a lot of unanswered questions here.


Anonymous said...

Despicable if....

Assuming the details of the complaint are true, the man should go to prison.

This is a big "if" however. I know of a case where the state's attorney overcharged a person with a class B felony but only had enough evidence for a class D felony. Yes, he was guilty but the overcharge was inexcusable.

It seems like Klaudt is guilty of something serious but we all owe it to him to presume his innocence. That is the American way.

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