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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pathetic Judge Material

WorldNetDaily features an article about 19 candidates to fill a vacancy in the Idaho Supreme Court who couldn't find it within themselves to affirm or endorse elements in the Idaho State Constitution.

For example, Question 1 asked whether the candidates would agree with the statement: "The Founders of the state of Idaho were grateful to God for our freedom."

Not one candidate would respond to the questionnaire, even though the preamble to the state constitution says: "We, the people of the State of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare do establish this Constitution."

Are they so unfamiliar with the Idaho Constitution that they were unsure if these things were legal?

Are they so unfamiliar with their heritage that they didn't know these concepts were natural to previous generations?

Are they so caught up in being politically correct that they couldn't even affirm what already exists in their own state constitution?

How many judges in South Dakota--and in the federal judiciary--are so ignorand and/or politically correct?


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