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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Climatologist Fired for Global Warming Blasphemy

Funny how the "open minded" and "tolerant" Left will tolerate no dissent or deviation or discussion whatsoever from the party line.

From a Heartland Institute release:

University of Washington climate scientist Mark Albright was dismissed on March 12 from his position as associate state climatologist, just weeks after exposing false claims of shrinking glaciers in the Cascade Mountains.

You can't disagree with the doom-and-gloomers, and facts be damned!
Albright knew from his research that the Cascade Mountains snow pack had not declined anywhere near what Nickels asserted, and that the snow pack has actually been growing in recent years.

At most, according to reliable datasets, the Cascade Mountains snow pack declined by 35 percent between 1950 and 2000. Moreover, even that number is misleading. Nickels and other global warming alarmists deliberately choose 1950 as the "baseline" for Cascade Mountains snow pack because 1950 was a year of abnormally heavy snowfall resulting in an uncharacteristically extensive snow pack.

And consider this:
"If a shorter record is chosen, starting in about 1975 for example, there is a small increase in snow water equivalent," Hartmann concluded (emphasis added).

Facts are facts. Conjecture is conjecture. Liberals tend to confuse the two, especially when conjecture is to their political advantage.

And truth is the inevitable victim.

HT to the National Center for Policy Analysis.


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