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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, May 17, 2007

Evolution and Engaging the Culture

CNS News features a story today about a group challenging the theory of evolution in the public square:

( - Billboards that show a man turning into a monkey and an online game entitled "Let's See How Evolution Works" are two elements of a new national campaign launched by a Christian group to call attention to the "lack of proof" for the theory of evolution.

Billboards at six locations in Oregon and Georgia ask "Are They Making a Monkey Out of You?" and additional signs are planned for Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, according to Julie Haberle, founder of the Who Is Your Creator non-profit organization.

It's good to see a group that's aggressively engaging our culture. This sitting-on-the-sidelines-and-waiting-for-culture-to-come-to-you approach that has been a very good losing strategy has to stop.

The "mainstream" media is nothing but an agenda-driven apparatus, despite their protests of "objectivity." Conservative, traditional, and Christian ideas are never going to get a fair shake from the MSM.

So those who believe in these ideas can either keep sitting on the sidelines, allowing themselves to become more and more marginalized, or they can act like they believe their own ideas and take the war of the worldviews out into the public arena.

Me, I prefer to do battle for what I believe in, what I know is right, what I'm convinced can save our rotting, hurting culture. What about you?


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