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Friday, May 18, 2007

Ignorance of the Flag

WorldNetDaily also features an article on this anti-American Methodist leader who likens the American flag to a Nazi swastika.

Only someone ignorant of what our flag means could say, "The presence of a national flag in worship can imply endorsement of national policies which often run counter to the teachings of Jesus Christ and our Christian faith."

However, not all Methodists are ignorant and anti-America, as Mark Tooley, the executive director of UMAction, demonstrates:

"Most United Methodists, and most religious people in America, display the flag as a symbol of God's blessings upon our nation," said Tooley. "Following the commandments of Christ, all Christians are called upon to love their nation, wherever they live, and to render unto Caesar his due, even as they render their worship only to God."

If our flag had to do with "policies," it would be the "Bush Flag" or the "Clinton Flag" or the "Reagan Flag," not the American Flag.

Our flag has zero, zilch, zip, nada to do with any national policies. It has everything to do with who we are as a people, our ideals, our principles and our beliefs.

If it represents anything in writing, it represents the ideals represented in the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution, which is perhaps the most inspired secular document in the history of the world, a document that, while not directly mentioning God, is nevertheless permeated with God's principles of fairness, freedom and justice.

What's so terrible about that?

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