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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Why Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter

Why Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter

WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary
Posted: January 3, 2008

1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Christopher G. Adamo

The unfolding 2008 presidential campaigns have brought some unusual names to the forefront of American politicking. Among them, Oprah Winfrey, that citadel of expertise on domestic and foreign affairs, gives her flamboyant support to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., while the intellectually vacant social activist vote of Barbara Streisand goes to Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.

In contrast, consider the preference expressed by retired Brig. Gen. Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager. A true American superhero of unrivaled pedigree, Yeager was the first human being ever to fly "faster than a speeding bullet," as he successfully broke the sound barrier six decades ago in the Bell X-1. He went on to reach numerous other aviation milestones as a test pilot, eventually achieving the rank of brigadier general in the United States Air Force.

(Complete Article)

Excellent commentary! Exceedingly interesting and informative!


Anonymous said...

Chuck Yeager is obviously more than well versed in what makes a viable candidate for the Presidency, and his choice and endorsement of Duncan Hunter is gladly accepted.

Duncan's tenure and service in the House of Representatives, and his stands on the issues concerning our country are right on target with turning around all the wrongs that have been committed in the last, almost eight years. We know how he feels about unfair trade practices, securing our borders, and not over taxing the American people.

All supporters, including Chuck Yeager, hope to see Duncan emerge a front runner in all of the upcoming primaries. I know I am supporting him in my state, because he is a Reagan Republican and an America First candidate.

Support Duncan in your upcoming state primary.

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