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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, December 31, 2007

Church Pays $7 Million to be Faithful to Christ

Despite the growing hostility toward Christianity in America today, most of us here don't face any real sacrifice in order to maintain fealty to our faith. In a world where the average Christian faces government restrictions on his faith, and many pay with their lives, we've had it pretty easy for 200 years in this country founded by Christians on Christian principles. But that's changing.

From the Hartford Courant, a church in Connecticut that is older than the United States is walking away from $7 million dollars in church property in order to remain faithful to the Scriptures and to God.

The church was founded under the Church of England in 1764. In 2003, Benedict and several other Connecticut rectors clashed with Connecticut Bishop Andrew D. Smith, who supported the naming of V. Gene Robinson as New Hampshire's bishop. Robinson is gay. Benedict and Christ Church leaders also feel the national church is rejecting scriptural authority and traditions of the church.

Would that we all had this kind of courage and loyalty to our faith. If we did, it would be the apostates leaving the church denomination, instead of the faithful leaving an apostate denominational leadership.

Hats off to the faithful believers at Christ Church! I believe the Lord will someday award your dedication and trust in Him.


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