A friend sent me a link to a ThinkAware post about Mike Huckabee and a bloggers call with homeschoolers.
The article says that in 1997 Huckabee supported a program called Smart Start which "greatly increased the freedom of parents to homeschool their children."
It also says that some legislators wanted restrictions on homeschoolers, and a less strict bill with some restrictions ended up being passed as a defensive measure against the stronger bill; this less-strict bill was offered by a homeschooling legislator and was supported by homeschoolers in Arkansas.
Read the whole article here.
So it appears Huckabee is friendly toward homeschoolers.
I still have to wonder, though, since most homeschoolers are conservative, why so many would support a presidential canidate who is liberal on so many issues such as immigration and border control, taxes, national security, abysmal on crime, promotes socialized medicine, believes in global warming, slams business, has the support of the NEA (how many conservatives does the NEA endorse?), and opposed vouchers in his own state?
I can understand that some issues might be so fundamental to some people that a negative mark in that area could cause them to refuse to vote for that candidate (say the abortion issue--which many see as murder). However, is education policy really that fundamental?
And is a good mark on that one issue enough to cause some voters to ignore other candidates with equally good marks in that area--and ignore many negative positions on a number of other issues?
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Thursday, January 03, 2008
Huckabee Supports Homeschoolers
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Hi! You've brought up some good questions about Huckabee. I hope you will research them and find the answers. Anyone who does that will see that he IS conservative. I am a homeshooling parent and I spoke with him personally about homeschool in August. Let me tell you he isn't just friendly to homeschoolers...he GETS US. He understands what we do everyday and understands it at the family level and not just the awareness level. I have a few other posts about huckabee and homeschooling on my site as well. As far as the other issues, you can get a clear picture about his conservatism by reading the "issues" section on www.mikehuckbee.com I hope you'll giv him some more research if you are undecided, if not, good luck with whomever you support! :) All the Best -ThinkAware
Oh, one more thing! Education policy is not a high priority on my personal list although I would be wary of a candidate who would be a direct threat to homeschooling.
My personal priorities in random order are pro-life, Fairtax (fairtax.org), and a solid understanding of the mindset behind radical islam as it relates to terrorism.
Thanks, ThinkAware.
I appreciate that Huckabee is pro-life, and he even appears to be behind homeschoolers.
But I'm sorry: there is no way you will ever convince me he is a conservative on too many other issues.
Frankly, I wouldn't give you a Bohemian nickel for what he says on his website. His record, which tells me far more than what he tells me when he wants my vote, tells a FAR different story.
For example, I've seen the published quotes of him bashing efforts to deny taxpayer funded benefits and privileges to illegal aliens, calling such efforts "racist" and "bigoted." I then personally heard him in Washington D.C. back in October try to tell me that he was Tom Tancredo's brother when it comes to border control and immigration control.
Giuliani at least had enough respect for me (and the others at the Washington Briefing) not to shine us on and pretend he was something he isn't. Huckabee treated my like an ignorant idiot.
He's liberal on immigration, taxes, the war on terror, crime and punishment, socialized medicine, big government and business. His record and his own statements prove it.
I do appreciate your comments, ThinkAware, and your friendly sentiment. But if you believe Huckabee is conservative, you have a lot of homework to do. Just like a woman should never believe what a man tells her when he's trying to get in her pants, a voter should never believe what a politician is telling them when he wants your vote.
Obviously, I won;'t change your mind...and that's okay. It's America , after all. I'm aware of the points you bring up. I've also researched them in depth. I believe that Mike Huckabee IS a conservative. If you don't want to use that particular label, then let's say that I like and appreciate what he stands for. And that's not just because "he said so". I believe that he is strong on border control. I don't understand how you can say he isn't. He is not for amnesty, wants to build a fence and set up an interlocking camera surveillance system by July, 1, 2009. Despite those basics, he has a plan. Ah, I'm probably wasting my breath, and like I said before, that's alright, we all have a right to support who we like. I just want to be clear that I'm no drone, but a real person who has researched Huckabee up and down, and I LIKE WHAT I SEE using the benchmark of integrity when I scrutinize the perceived negatives used against him.
I am curious, ThinkAware, why you think you can trust Huckabee's newfound "conversion" on illegal immigration over positions he's ACTUALLY TAKEN in the past. In other words, why do you trust him when he says he'll do something that's diametrically opposed to a position he's ALREADY TAKEN before? On several occasions in the past, he has displayed a liberal unwillingness to deal with the illegal immigration problem by denying benefits to illegals and rounding up and deporting people in this country illegally.
Why do you now believe what he SAYS, when it's the opposite of what he's DONE in the past?
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