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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, January 03, 2008

Iowa Full of Upsets

Well, tonight's caucus in Iowa wrought outcomes that no one would have seriously bet on three months ago.

Looks like Huckabee won for the GOP by a healthy margin, and Obama also did well on the Democrat side. In fact, it looks like Edwards has come in second for the Democrats, ahead of Hillary Clinton.

Congratulations to Huckabee tonight. He's not my choice, but I'd take him over Giuliani, Romney, McCain, or any of the Democrats.

Three months ago, common wisdom said Huckabee "doesn't have a chance." Imagine where a real conservative like Duncan Hunter could be right now if the Christians who thought Huckabee had "a little better chance" than Hunter had supported Hunter instead. We could have a consistent, reliable conservative as the GOP front runner, instead of a pro-life liberal Republican.

But who knows. Things could still change. There can be many a slip between a cup and a lip.


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