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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Hillary Clinton a Win for All Women?

By Carrie K. Hutchens

There is even the "thought" (according to a news title) that if Hillary Clinton wins, it is a win for all women in the world? I have some rich farm land in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, too.

Let's get real. Oh no...a Dr. Phil phrase (nearly) slipped out of my keyboard. (Full Article)


Anonymous said...

Hillary's historic statement at the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 that "women's rights are human rights" still echoes worldwide. As a lawyer, advocate, First Lady, and senator, Hillary has fought for issues important to women here at home and around the world for decadesToday, despite the progress women have made, they earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn -- and women of color earn even less. Hillary is leading the charge in the Senate to strengthen equal pay laws and end pay disparities between men and women. She introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act to strengthen the penalties associated with wage discrimination, to ensure that the federal government sets a higher standard, and to increase oversight of employers. Hillary has also worked to increase access to capital and other support for women-owned businesses.

When it comes to each woman's ability to make the most personal of life decisions, Hillary has stood firm as an advocate for a woman's right to choose. She has expanded access to family planning services, including for low-income women. She spoke out forcefully against the Supreme Court's April 2007 decision that -- for the first time in decades -- failed to recognize the importance of women's health.

Hillary has worked to empower women throughout the world, especially low-income women. She has advocated for access to microfinance programs that enable women to start their own businesses and spoken out strongly against the tragic practice of sex trafficking.

As president, Hillary will continue her lifelong fight to ensure that all Americans are treated with respect and dignity.

Hillary has fought the relentless and insidious efforts by far-right Republicans to limit the protections of Roe v Wade, while also working hard to expand access to family planning services.

Hillary has seen what happens when governments try to control a woman's reproductive health decisions. Whether it was Romania under a dictatorship saying you had to have children for the good of the state or China saying you had to have only one child for the good of the state, governments have dictated the most private and important decisions that we as individuals or families can make.

She has championed the Prevention First Act, which expands access to family planning services for low-income women, requires health insurance companies to cover contraception, and provides a dedicated funding stream for age-appropriate, medically accurate, comprehensive sex education.

As First Lady, she helped pass the Family and Medical Leave Act and helped found the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancies, which established and achieved a goal of reducing teen pregnancies by one-third between 1996 and 2005.

In partnership with Senator Patty Murray, Hillary waged a successful three-year battle to get the Food and Drug Administration to accept the overwhelming recommendation of the medical community and make Plan B (the "morning after" pill) available over the counter.

Hillary's work to empower low-income women has changed lives. She fought for the elimination of school fees, which prevent poor children in some countries from attending school, and for investments in health care and education for women and girls. And she helped found Vital Voices, a not-for-profit organization that continues to work to support women's leadership around the globe.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Excuse me, Anonymous, but I was wondering...

Is your comment intended as a Promo for Hillary Clinton or a Promo for Planned Parenthood and the Pro-Abortion crowd?

One thing I am sure of...

This promo wasn't "written" in response to my article!

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Anonymous, you said...

"When it comes to each woman's ability to make the most personal of life decisions, Hillary has stood firm as an advocate for a woman's right to choose."

Where was she when it came to Terri Schiavo's case? Where was she standing when Michael Schiavo, George Felos and George Greer snubbed their noses at federal subpoenas? (May we all likewise snub our noses or was that a special privilege for the boys?) Where was she standing when there was question if Terri Schiavo did in fact receive due process? Where was she standing when the review -- like any other death row inmate may request before execution -- was denied because of a missed technicality in how the law was written? Where was she standing when this innocent WOMAN desperately needed an advocate to assure her rights were in fact being protected and her "life decisions" honored?

I guess Terri didn't fall into the category of "each" woman according to Hillary Clinton.

Other than the planned parenthood, contraception, and abortion support that you are telling us that Hillary gave and gives, I see very little that you are claiming that Hillary Clinton has done for women. She certainly hasn't done a thing that either impresses me or has helped me as a person or as a woman. So, I think I'll take my right to choose and pick someone that has truly made an effort to make this a better world, just because making this a better world is the right thing to do, regardless and in spite of gender!

Yes, Anonymous, when I vote for a "woman" for president -- it will be for all the right reasons and I don't see any of them listed in your promo!

Anonymous said...

You are correct, Carrie, in your article and in your comments. Anonymous' comments are a "copy and paste" directly from This person is a mindless shill for the Hildabeast.

Hillary is an elitist and statist who wants to control our lives and wallets. She will stop at nothing to get the power she craves and actually believes it is her birthright.

In an effort to magnify her importance in the Clinton administation she would have us believe that she was sent on all the particulary dangerous missions (along with Sinbad and Chelsea)in an effort to bring peace to war-torn counties! I wonder what new stories we'll be treated to when she loses Iowa?,0,5515440.story

This, of course is pure BS, but consistent with other outrageous claims she has made in the past.

You can see a sampling of Hillary remarks here: (Caution, very foul language.)

Anonymous said...

Well, we didn't have to wait long: "Hillary Clinton's campaign offering teen baby-sitters for Iowa caucusgoers." Hillary has gathered a group of teenaged girls to baby-sit for mothers during Thursday's caucuses. I have been unable to verify reports that Bill personally selected some of the girls.

Anonymous said...

The equal pay for women rap is totally bogus. I have done surveys of HR records for the past 10 years and if women make the same sacrifices as men, work the same long hours, travel when requested, sign up for special projects, make the company the priority over their personal time - then those girls will make the same, if not more, than the boys. The gender wage gap is a myth and Senator Clinton has posted it promenately on her website. It is a myth and this is playing the gender card and pandering to women.

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