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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Hillary Clinton Shows Her Level of Ability to Handle Foreign Affairs & Policy

"Wait...You Mean Hillary Isn't the Smartest Woman in the World?
Posted by Kim Priestap
Published: Jan 1, 08 03:34 PM

The press focused a lot on Huckabee for misstating the status of Pakistan's state of martial law following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Twice now, Hillary Clinton made a mistake in an answer to a question about Pakistan. According to the Politico, she said that President Pervez Musharraf was "a 'candidate' who would be 'on the ballot.'" However, as the Politico points out, Musharraf was reelected on October 6th: ..."

(Full article)

I enjoyed this piece and hope you will, too. Maybe Hillary shouldn't be so quick to brag on her knowledge of matters she is obviously not so knowledgeable about.


Anonymous said...

The more we see of Hillary and the more we hear her talk the more we dislike and distrust her. If she could have limited her campaign to just a few months before the general election, she might have had a chance. She and Bill have another 10 months of campaigning ahead, in which time voters will experience more and more Clinton fatigue.

It's a joke du jour from Hillary. She said,
"Now there are some who will say they don't know where I stand." Yes, like everybody, including even the left wing media. Where does she stands on illegal immigration -maybe yes, maybe no; on Social Security-I'll appoint a committee to study it; on national security-what's national security? She is incapable of giving a yes or no answer even on Bill's philandering. The only consistent answer we get is her unequivical support for abortion on demand up until the cutting of the umbilical cord.

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