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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Gov't Health Care Needs Beds in Free Countries

There's no room for this woman in the Canadian government health care system.

From News1130:

Arlene Meeks has been in a California hospital since December 17th. Her family has been trying to get her transferred back to the Lower Mainland for 2 weeks now but they haven't had any luck.

Stephen Harris with the South Fraser Health Region says the issue is a shortage of ventilated intensive care unit beds, which are highly specialized. He says over the holidays, it's not surprising to see those beds filled up.

I'm no fan of the high medical prices here in the States (which are actually due largely to the high level of government interference in health care that we already have), but if I needed health care, I think I'd take expensive over non-existent.

I've lived under "free" health care. It ain't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, it's nothing it's cracked up to be.

You apostles of socialized medicine in the United States take note: do you want to go to Mexico or Honduras for a hospital bed? Then vote for Hillary.


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