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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Gov't Health Care Asks People to Care for Self

The British National Health Service is looking at a novel idea: asking people to do things for themselves. This will probably cause widespread panic in a culture used to having the government spoon-feed them and wipe their mouths, but it's something that conservatives have been advocating in this country for a long time. It's also what human beings used to do before the advent of socialism.

From the UK Telegraph:

Instead of going to hospital or consulting a doctor, patients will be encouraged to carry out "self care" as the Department of Health (DoH) tries to meet Treasury targets to curb spending.

NHS patients could be expected to administer their own medication

The guidelines could mean people with chronic conditions:

• Monitoring their own heart activity, blood pressure and lung capacity using equipment installed in the home

• Reporting medical information to doctors remotely by telephone or computer

• Administering their own drugs and other treatment to "manage pain" and assessing the significance of changes in their condition

• Using relaxation techniques to relieve stress and avoid "panic" visits to emergency wards.

Imagine that! Not running to the doctor with every little thing, and it could save billions!

This is exactly why we need to avoid (even more) socialized medicine in the United States. Anytime you make something "free," people over-utilize it until the system is so burdened that it can no longer function properly. I saw it when I lived in England for three years, and in the military health care system, which operates under similar principles.

Brits are finally facing the fact that government can't do everything. Will disciples of socialism in this country take note of this lesson?


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