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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Supreme Court Judge Bill Clinton?

This is enough to send a shudder through any American who considers justice and the Constitution important.

From CNN:

That provocative possibility has long been whispered in legal and political circles ever since Sen. Hillary Clinton became a viable candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. Now a respected conservative law professor has openly predicted a future President Clinton would name her husband to the high court if a vacancy occurred.

Pepperdine Law School's Douglas Kmiec said, "The former president would be intrigued by court service and many would cheer him on."

The former president is, I'm sure, "intrigued" by many a skirt, too. Being "intrigued" may be a qualification on the Left, but I don't think most normal Americans would consider it to be.

But inconceiveable in a Hillary Clinton administration? Ah, no.


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