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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, January 04, 2008

Maine School Discriminates Against Heterosexual Boy

From WorldNetDaily:

At the heart of the issue is the treatment being provided an unidentified 10-year-old at the elementary school, according to documentation from the Christian Civic League of Maine.

The organization is reporting Paul Melanson found out his grandson's school was allowing another boy to use the girl's restroom, and decided that wasn't right. He told his grandson to follow the other boy into the girl's restroom whenever he saw the other boy doing it, and when he did, the boy was confronted by school officials and warned against such behavior, and the grandfather was confronted by police.

However, Melanson responded to those concerns by alleging the school was discriminating against his grandson by depriving him of the accommodations allowed others, simply because of his sexual orientation, an action banned under state law.

It only makes sense. If some confused and egocentric people want to play games, and government wants to accommodate them based on politically correct silliness, then it's only fair. But of course they want to have their cake and eat it, too.

I actually predicted this kind of idiotic chaos nearly five years ago when I wrote a column entitled "Lesbian Locker Rooms."

Is anyone ready for the grownups to be in charge, again?

Why don't we just quit pandering to silliness and return to a more simple standard of sexual identification: if your sex organs are outside your body, you're a boy; if your sex organs are internal, you're a girl--and you use the bathroom or locker room designated for boys or girls based on where your sex organs are.

Or if that isn't plain enough, we can always go back to science, which liberals love to worship (except when it contradicts their utopian vision of total permissiveness with zero consequence). Science says if your chromosomes are XY, you're a boy. If you're XX, you're a girl. It's science; deal with it.

Things are so much simpler and easier all around when everyone plays the cards they're dealt instead of fighting against nature (and God).


Anonymous said...

Man, your analysis is as dumb as it gets!

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