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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

US Reps Vote For Islamic, Hindu Holidays, Against Christian One

I saw the story earlier today that the U.S. House had passed a bill, as they had previously for Muslim and Hindu holidays, affirming the significance and importance of Christmas. I appreciated it, and found it interesting enough to read, but not worth posting on.

Until I read that some in our government opposed it.

From Fox News:

One Republican House lawmaker is taking offense at nine Democrats for what he said should have been a no-brainer: recognizing the importance of Christians and Christmas.

In the end, the House on Tuesday supported Rep. Steve King's resolution to recognize "the Christian faith as one of the great religions of the world" and acknowledge "the international religious and historical importance of Christmas and the Christian faith."

But King, of Iowa, is upset that not everyone voted for his bill two weeks before an estimated 225 million Americans celebrate the Christian holiday even though the vote by usual standards would be a solid margin. The measure passed by a 372-9 vote, with 10 recording a neutral "present" vote and 40 members not voting.

Here are the representatives who voted against it:

Hastings (FL)
Scott (VA)

And here are 10 more who answered "present" rather than voting yes or no:

Frank (MA)
Wasserman Schultz
Welch (VT)

Meanwhile, there were no nays on the recognition of Ramadan, and no nays on the Hindu festival of Diwali.

South Dakota's own Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin gets a "thumbs-up" for voting for the measure.

What is the religion of the people who founded the United States? What has historically been the religion of most Americans? What is still the religion of most Americans? Hint: the answer to all three of these questions is the same religion. Another hint: it's the religion that 9 U.S. representatives said "no" to recognizing, and another 10 refused to take a position on.

Surely they don't have anything against the religion which is the answer to my three questions, do they?


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