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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Canada: Check Your Freedom of Speech at the Door

The freedom of speech and freedom of religion that we enjoy in the United States has been under attack for some time, as homosexual activists and their "useful idiot" apologists push their "hate crime" and other legislation.

The loss we may face here in the U.S. is already gone in Canada.


REGINA, Saskatchewan, December 13, 2007 ( - The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission's decision to impose a "lifetime" ban on a local Catholic's freedom to publicly criticise homosexuality, was upheld this week in its entirety by Saskatchewan Court of Queens Bench.

Bill Whatcott, a licensed practical nurse who lives in Saskatchewan, is a campaigner against the homosexual political movement that is sweeping the Canadian legal system. In 2006, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) ordered Whatcott to pay $17,500 Cn. to four complainants who complained that their "feelings" and "self-respect" were "injured" by Whatcott's pamphlets denouncing the "gay lifestyle" as immoral and dangerous.

Whatcott responded to the decision, "This fine is for telling the truth [that] homosexual sodomites can change their behaviour and be set free from their sin and depravity through the forgiveness of sins and shed blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

One of the items in Whatcott's literature:
Whatcott himself says he was fined for his pamphlets that used "verbatim" a text from a classified personal advertisement in a local homosexual publication that ran, "Man seeking boys.... age not so relevant".

Apparently pedophilia isn't a problem for the legal system in Canada.

I've been to Canada and to Regina a couple of times. It's a nice country and a beautiful city. What a pity the moral fiber no longer matches the beauty of the area.


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