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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, December 15, 2007

Poll: Most Americans Oppose Bennies for Illegals

The only surprise here is that, after years of politically-correct, multicultural, inclusive mamby-pambiness, this many Americans still hold a sensible position on this issue.

From OneNewsNow:

The poll, published by American Pulse, surveyed nearly 4,100 people and found that most Americans are opposed to any benefits for what the poll describes as "undocumented immigrants." According to the survey, more than four out of five do not think the government should give a driver's license, business license, or housing assistance to illegal aliens -- and similar majorities (roughly three-fourths) feel the same way about educational benefits and job training.

"It's a poll which the mainstream media is not covering that shows that 77 percent of Americans wanted no taxpayer[-provided educational] benefits whatsoever for illegal aliens, and 81 to 83 percent wanted no licenses for illegal aliens. A very significant poll -- but of course, the traditional media ignored [it]," he says.


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