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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Reagan on Rushmore

John McCaslin's column at revives what many of us have been thinking about for years: adding Ronald Reagan to Mount Rushmore.

"Let's not just talk about putting Ronald Reagan on Rushmore, let's show it," says former ambassador Fred J. Eckert, a staunchly conservative former Republican congressman from New York. Mr. Eckert served two tours of duty as a U.S. ambassador under Mr. Reagan, and National Journal once ranked him as the member of Congress most supportive of the Gipper's agenda.

The piece contains a reference to a website where you can see a picture of what Mount Rushmore would look like, graced by the Gipper.

Reagan accomplished great things, things great enough to easily put him in the company of the other men on Mount Rushmore.

- Brought America back from an economic train wreck
- High inflation
- High unemployment
- High interest rates

- Brought America back from a time when we were politically and militarily disgraced by events such as the Iran hostage crisis, giving up the Panama Canal

- Restored confidence and morale in America with his positive outlook and pride-instilling pro-American policies

- Reduced astronomically high tax rates, unleashing an incredible economic boom

- Launched an unprecedented campaign to beat the Soviet Union militarily and economically, resulting in the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Soviet communism.

Presidents like Reagan usually only come along about once every 100 years. Reagan brought this nation back from the land of mediocrity and even the precipice of destruction. It would be hard to overstate Reagan's accomplishment in the life and health of the United States.

I'd love to see him on Mt. Rushmore.


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