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Friday, December 14, 2007

Martyrs for Hillary Clinton?

Clinton rejects official's Obama comment

By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer
23 minutes ago

JOHNSTON, Iowa - Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday denounced the comments of an official in her campaign who resigned after raising questions about drug use by Barack Obama. Clinton was asked about the official's comments about Obama as she campaigned in Iowa, where the controversy has become an issue less than three weeks before the state's leadoff caucuses.

"As soon as I found out that one of my supporters and co-chairs in New Hampshire made a statement, asked a series of questions, I made it clear it was not authorized, it was in no way condoned, I didn't know about it and he stepped down," Clinton said.

(Full Article)

Why is it that the people making such serious blunders have all joined up with Hillary? Is it a coincidence or have some agreed to be martyrs for the Hillary cause? Or perhaps, they thought Hillary could get by with inappropriate behavior, since she has so frequently done so in the past, and it all backfired. Maybe people are tried of there being the rules for the Clinton's and then the rules for everyone else. I know I got tired of it first time around!

Hillary can apologize until she is blue in the face. She can claim she had no clue and act like if she starts pretending it didn't happen that it will simply go away and stop annoying her. But the fact remains that someone high up in her campaign did make inappropriate comments about Obama. High up enough that he should have known her feelings and rules of how "her campaign" was to be run. We are to believe the rule of No hitting below the belt, flew over the head of "Bill Shaheen, a national co-chairman for Clinton and a prominent New Hampshire political figure"?

How often have we seen lawyers ask an inappropriate question in a court room, knowing full well there will be an objection with the judge then ordering the jury to disregard? Knowing full well what will happen, but also knowing full well the nature of people -- "Once heard -- always heard"! The seed is planted and hopefully will grow in influence. And that is exactly what it looks like is being pulled on the American people.

Dirty tricks is not something that impresses me, nor gains my vote! I'm also not impressed by Hillary Clinton (or her agents) pointing their righteous fingers at anyone for long ago drug use, when there is that little matter of Bill Clinton trying pot though he wants us to believe he didn't inhale. But then, we are also suppose to believe he didn't realize he had sex with Monica either. Guess that shows how little the Clinton's think of the American people. They think we are too dumb to catch on and dumb enough to be manipulated any which way they like.

Martyrs for Hillary Clinton? Sounds like a book title and seems like what we are watching play out! Time will tell.


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