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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, December 14, 2007

Romney Weak on Marriage

This is one of the reasons I'm not too hot on the idea of Mitt Romney for president.

From the Boston Herald:

Romney, who has cast himself as the staunchest Republican defender of traditional marriage, reportedly signed off on almost 200 one-day certificates allowing gay and lesbian couples to use unlicensed friends to preside over their weddings. Under an obscure state law, the certificates can be granted only to couples that get approval from the governor’s office.

When the Mass. Supreme Court decided to put on their king hat and find a right to homosexual "marriage" in their state constitution, then order the Mass. legislature to make a law which would make this "invisible right" somehow more visible (am I the only one that sees an inconsistency here?), if I had been governor, I'd have told the supreme court they could go pound sand. Judges don't make laws. But apparently Romney, along with the Mass. legislators, acted like obedient subjects of the royal court and did as they were told.

That's not leadership; that's a scared little boy doing what he's told. We don't need a scared little boy in the White House.


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