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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dems on Hillary: Devious, Divisive, Scary

Looks like even Democrats know what the rest of the country has known for about 16 years: Hillary Clinton is bad news.

Bloomberg says a focus group of 11 Democrats from Philadelphia gathered last week to discuss the presidential race.

Here's some of the things the focus group said about Hillary, according to the article:

- The concerns about Clinton, 60, a New York senator, are that she is devious, calculating and, fairly or not, a divisive figure in American politics.

- After praising Clinton's experience and intelligence, they say she would be demanding, difficult, maybe even a little scary.

- Candor and authenticity were repeatedly cited. ``I don't feel like I look at her and see someone who's telling me the whole truth,'' says Allison Lowrey, a 30-year-old human- resources consultant. ``I'd like to see her approach a problem without the polls'' helping her make her decision, says Andrew Alebergo, a 39-year-old tanning-salon operator.

If you do a careful study of what this woman has said outside the mainstream press (and some in it) over the course of her life, the idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency is about the scariest thing I can imagine.

I believe she would be far worse than her husband was. At least when Bill Clinton president, his #1 priority was Bill Clinton. Hillary is a true ideologue. The ideology comes first with her...and her ideology bears almost no resemblance to the ideals this country was founded on, nor how it was designed to operate. Scary? Oh yeah!


Douglas said...

Yup, Hillary supported the war powers thingy for the Texas Twit. She is at least as bad or worse than the Bush Boy. And that really, really is scary.

Dump Johnson, Herseth, and Thune for the same reasons.

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