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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dems See Huckabee as 'The Glass Jaw'

Hmmm. Reverse psychology or leaked strategy? You be the judge.

The Drudge Report has released an exclusive this morning that Democrats are holding their fire in the hopes that Mike Huckabee will get the Republican nomination...and then they'll break his "glass jaw."

Democrat party officials are avoiding any and all criticism of Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee, insiders reveal.

The Democratic National Committee has told staffers to hold all fire, until he secures the party's nomination.

The directive has come down from the highest levels within the party, according to a top source.

Within the DNC, Huckabee is known as the "glass jaw -- and they're just waiting to break it."

The piece points out that the last DNC press release which was critical of Huckabee was on March 2.

Insiders say Dems are calling Huckabee a Republican "McGovern," meaning he's an easy kill. They cite Huckabee's pitiful record of granting clemency in Arkansas and his support of quarantining AIDS patients back in the early 1990s.

I'd have to agree with this assessment. Once large numbers of Republicans find out Huckabee's position on many of the issues (or rather, what his record is, since he's in the process of "redefining" his stated positions on some things), he'll have a hard time getting the support of his base.

Huckabee appears genuinely pro-life and pro-marriage. But beyond that, he has a dreadful record of being soft on crime, soft on illegal immigration, soft on terrorism, fond of big government, fond of taxes, and friendly toward global warming initiatives.

Like Giuliani, but for different reasons, Huckabee is NOT the flagship of Republican values.

And whether this is a "reverse psychology" ploy from the DNC or not, it's plausible because Huckabee's "Willie Horton" clemency proclivity leaves him vulnerable not just with Republicans, but with all but but the most dedicated pro-criminal electorate.


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