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Saturday, December 15, 2007

100 Scientists Tell Bali: Warming is a Naturally Recurring Phenomenon

Today on the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works website comes word of a letter signed more than 100 international scientists, many of whom are or have been members of the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). In addition to a copy on the EPW website, the letter was also published in Canada's National Post.

"It is not possible to stop climate change, a natural phenomenon that has affected humanity through the ages. Geological, archaeological, oral and written histories all attest to the dramatic challenges posed to past societies from unanticipated changes in temperature, precipitation, winds and other climatic variables," the scientists wrote.

Al Gore recently blamed his own country for obstructing his global warming sci-fi drama. I would submit, however, that it is the hysteria of Gore and other socialists-with-an-agenda who are obstructing any chance we have of actually determining if global warming is occurring in the first place (there have been numerous stories of flawed data, inaccurate temperature readings, etc.).

And as this letter advises, if it is occurring, we would better spend our time and effort figuring out how to adapt to it, rather than pretending that we can do anything about it. As the warming and cooling trends over the course of millennia indicate (the once-green Greenland, for example?), when it happens it's going to happen with or without our consent.

Besides their transparent attempts to scuttle the economies of the United States and Western civilization, one of the biggest problems with all this hysteria from Al Gore and his cohorts is that if a natural disaster ever does truly befall our planet, we will waste huge amounts of time being sure of what's going on before we can really trust what we're being told

Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? Gore and his cronies have been crying wolf as loud as they can for decades, and people are finally starting to tune them out. It'd be a real tragedy if a genuine problem actually came upon us...


Anonymous said...

Yet Al Gore and other high-priests of the religion of global warming will continue to assert that all reputable scientists agree with them. And they believe it themselves since anyone who disagrees with them, regardless the credentials of evidence, is, de facto, disreputable.

See the following article:

"U.N. Blackballs International Scientists from Climate Change Conference"

"Voice of dissent excluded from participation in Bali"

Dakota Voice
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