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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

When Your Evidence Melts

I don't know how we're going to break this to Al Gore, but get the paddy wagon and straight jacket ready.

Reuters says the shrinking snow on Mount Kilimanjaro is NOT due to Al Gore's favorite bed-time story "Global Warming."

The researchers attributed the ice decline to complex interacting factors, including the vertical shape of the ice's edge, which allows it to shrink but not expand.

The article says it's been shrinking for more than a century, with most of the shrinking occurring prior to 1953. It also quotes Philip Mote of the University of Washington as stating the icecap on Kilimanjaro has probably come and gone "many times over hundreds of thousands of years." Naaawwww! Say it isn't so!
Fluctuating weather patterns related to the Indian Ocean also could affect the shifting balance between the ice's increase, which might have occurred for decades before the first explorers reached Kilimanjaro's summit in 1889, and the shrinking that has been going on since.

Actually, information of this nature about Kilimanjaro has been out for some time, but since it never seems to make the front page like all the Gore doom-and-gloom does, each new mention of it deserves to be pointed out.


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