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Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Study: Abstinence Works features a story about a new abstinence study done by Dr. Stan Weed of the Institute for Research and Evaluation in Salt Lake City.

This study appears to dwarf the recent--and flawed--study done by Mathematica Policy Research touted by sexual anarchists in their goal of ending funding for abstinence education. That study examined 2,000 students, but the IRE study followed 400,000 students in 30 states for 15 years. The MPR study took kids from high-risk segments rather than a broad cross-section, only looked at four abstinence programs, and the kids didn't receive the follow-up education essential to reinforce positive behavior.

Here's what the new study found:

The most successful abstinence programs were those that emphasized the risk of pre-marital sexual activity. They showed how abstinence fully protects a young person from STD’s, teen pregnancy and emotional trauma. They underlined the importance of self-control and responsibility and gave students the positive goal of a stable and committed marriage towards which to work in future. At the same time, however, researchers also found that it was crucial to re-educate adolescents about abstinence each successive year.

Dr. Weed concludes, “Well-designed and well-implemented abstinence education programs can reduce teen sexual activity by as much as one half for periods of one to two years, substantially increasing the number of adolescents who avoid the full range of problems related to teen sexual activity. Abandoning this strategy…would appear to be a policy driven by politics rather than by a desire to protect American teens.”

Teens aren't just highly evolved animals that can't control their urges. They live in a sex-saturated culture that's terrified of making a moral judgment, but they can discipline themselves.


Anonymous said...

It is very difficult in this day and age for teens to deal with the pressures of premarital sex. It is so common that those that choose to walk in light of the Lord and wait for marriage become outcasts among their peers. Being a young man working trying to wait for marriage I have found that the support of fellow Christians definitely helps me through. I recently have found that there are many more people waiting for marriage in my school than what I originally thought. I literally thought I was 1 of maybe 3 in the whole school. But there are many more than that (still not where it should be. But that is the society we live in). I have noticed that connections can be made with strangers simply off the clothing that can be worn. I have seen other wearing rings or T-shirts glorifying God. This can lead to conversations and the build of relationships. Something like these or sometimes like these shirts

I know it can be a little embarrassing. But it was very inspiring to me to see others wearing this shirt. It can be something that can be an ice breaker for you and other Christians (that will come up to you, those you may not know are Christians). In the end, its all for God.
-God Bless

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