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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bush Polling Low, Congress Lower Still


In the poll, Bush’s approval rating is at just 29 percent. It’s a drop of six points since April, and it represents his lowest mark ever on this question in the NBC/Journal poll.

But President Bush's numbers aren't the worst:
Also in the poll, only 23 percent approve of the job that Congress is doing, a decline of eight points since April. That number is within striking distance of the 16-percent rating Congress held in October 2006, just before Republicans lost control of both the Senate and House in last year’s midterms.

Democrats have only had Congress for about six months, and they've already driven their numbers this low!

If Bush would just quit spitting in the face of his base, his numbers would go up. I admire his persistence in the War on Terror, but this flirting with global warming and insistence on amnesty for lawbreakers is just wrong, wrong, wrong.


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