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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Comprehensive Sex Ed: 2.6% Abstinence

An article from the Washington Times finds "comprehensive" sex ed overwhelmingly teaches condoms over abstinence. Surprised? I didn't think so.

A federal report issued before today's expected House Appropriations Committee vote on abstinence-education funding says the curricula for comprehensive sex education overwhelming push condoms and downplay abstinence.

For instance, the "Making Proud Choices" curricula, developed for middle-school students ages 11 to 13, mentions "condom" or "condoms" 650 times and "abstinence" or "abstain" 18 times, said the report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families (ACF).

The accepted definition of "comprehensive" sex education is that it teaches youth about both sexual abstinence and protective methods for sexual activity, said the report. However, the review shows that "abstinence is a very small part of these curricula," said Harry Wilson, associate commissioner of ACF's Administration on Children, Youth and Families.

Abstinence did get a mention 2.6% of the time in the program mentioned above. For liberals who basically run the education system, that's probably considered pretty good.

But if 97% of your message is "wear a condom when you do it" and 3% is "don't do it," what message are kids most likely to get?


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