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Thursday, June 14, 2007

More Liberal Propaganda

From CNS News:

American attitudes toward political and social issues are trending in favor of "progressive" positions and have been for some time, according to a report released Wednesday by the liberal Center for American Progress and Media Matters for America.

I saw this posted on Clean Cut Kid yesterday and chuckled. The person who posted it "commander other," tried to calmly pass it off as coming from "unimpeachable nonpartisans." Uh huh. Go pull my other leg.

Right away the term "progressive" in the title of the report gives it away. Nobody but liberals who want to hide liberalism use the word "progressive."

I also noticed this farce was put together by Media Matters for America, another joke of an organization that desperately tries to paint any balanced or even slightly conservative-favoring element in the news as evidence of some "vast right-wing conspiracy."

It is true that liberal policies do well in polling. If you ask the right question the right way, you'll get the answer you want. People have also been trained by pop culture to know what the "right answer" is, and not wanting to be painted as a backwards Bible-thumping rube, they will give the pollster the "intelligent" answer.

But liberal policies in the majority? Even after decades of propaganda from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, the New York Times, Time, Newsweek, and a host of others...I still don't think so. Too much independent polling shows a near-even split on many issues, with the majority falling to a more conservative position most of the time.

It wouldn't matter if 99% of people thought liberal policies were the best way to go; all that would mean was 99% of the people would be wrong. Popular opinion doesn't dictate what's right and wrong.

More from the CNS News piece:
Other polls, however, paint a different picture.

A May 2007 CBS/New York Times poll found that 58 percent of Americans want it to be harder, or impossible, to obtain an abortion, while 39 percent said it should be "generally available."

A 2006 Pew Research poll found that 31 percent of Americans believe abortion should be "generally available" while 35 percent believe it should be available only in cases of rape, incest, and to save the mother's life. Eleven percent said it should not be available at all.

The report says views on same-sex marriage are also changing in favor of more liberal policies. Support for homosexuals and lesbians to marry has risen 10 points in the last 13 years of Pew Research surveys, but public support is still at only 37 percent. A majority of Americans (55 percent) still opposes same-sex marriage.

In a May 2007 CNN/Opinion Research poll, 24 percent of respondents supported same-sex marriages, 27 percent supported civil unions and 43 percent supported neither.

The numbers were largely unchanged from October 2006 and were down from a November 2004 Associated Press/Ipsos poll, which found that 35 percent of respondents favored allowing homosexuals to marry, while 61 percent opposed it.

This is just another piece of Leftist propaganda. As liberals have long done, they just want to try and engage the "herd instinct": tell the public what direction the herd is moving (so they claim), and hope the herd instinct will kick in and get them to move in a direction the herd really wasn't moving in the first place.

Nice try. It might fool "progressives" into feeling better about themselves, but I don't think it'll fool most folks.


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