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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hillary Clinton Campaign Withdraws Copyrighted Mother Teresa Picture from Ad-Campaign

Hillary Clinton Campaign Withdraws Copyrighted Mother Teresa Picture from Ad-Campaign

By Peter J. Smith

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 15, 2007 ( – Senator Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has officially withdrawn a controversial photo featuring Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta with the then-First Lady from a campaign ad. The pro-life nun’s order, the Missionaries of Charity, directed them to cease and desist using the copyrighted image for political purposes.

Sister Nirmala, the Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity, requested the Hillary for President campaign to stop using the image that appeared scandalously to link the abortion activist candidate with the order’s humble founder, who was renowned for her advocacy on behalf of the poor and helpless, especially the unborn.

Since 2003, the name and all images of Mother Teresa have been protected by copyright by the Missionaries of Charity. On her deathbed Blessed Mother Teresa had asked her order to guard her name from opportunists who would attempt to use her to advance their own ends. The campaign video was been pulled after the Catholic-based political advocacy group Fidelis alerted the order on May 14, as previously reported by ( The new video now omits the nun’s image, and the old video can no longer be accessed on YouTube.

(full story)


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