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Friday, June 15, 2007

Romney Flip Flops on Abortion?

OneNewsNow features a story about a new YouTube video which shows flip-flopping from Mitt Romney on being pro-life:

November 2004: Mitt Romney said he converted to the pro-life position.
Romney said he changed his views after meeting with Harvard scientists on stem-cell research: 'It hit me very hard that we had so cheapened the value of human life in a Roe v. Wade environment that it was important to stand for the dignity of human life.' (Karen Tumulty, "What Romney Believes," Time, 5/21/07)

May 2005: Mitt Romney reaffirmed that he was “absolutely committed” to support the pro-choice position.
Six months after he claimed to have converted to the pro-life position, Romney stated: "I am absolutely committed to my promise to maintain the status quo with regards to laws relating to abortion and choice and so far I've been able to successfully do that and my personal philosophical views about this issue is not something that I think would do anything other than distract from what I think is a more critical agenda ..." (Mitt Romney, Remarks At Press Conference, 5/27/05)

Changing your mind is one thing (I used to be pro-abortion myself). Changing your mind back and forth every so often is quite another.


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