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Friday, June 15, 2007

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Immigrants: Learn English

From the San Francisco Chronicle, Austrian-immigrant-turned-movie-star-turned-California-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger tells it like it is and tells Hispanic immigrants to learn English in order to succeed:

"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set" and avoid Spanish-language television, books and newspapers, the Republican governor said Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

"You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster," Schwarzenegger said.

"I know this sounds odd and this is the politically incorrect thing to say, and I'm going to get myself in trouble," he said, noting that he rarely spoke German and was forced to learn English when he emigrated from Austria.

Schwarzenegger was responding to a question about how Hispanic students can improve academically. Many journalists for Spanish-language organizations in the audience were surprised by the remarks.

"I'm sitting shaking my head not believing that someone would be so naive and out of it that he would say something like that," said Alex Nogales, president and chief executive of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

Notice how this media guy Nogales is trapped by his own short-sided political correctness.

It's call assimilation. A S S I M I L A T I O N. It means adopting the culture of your chosen country. It's how immigrants have succeeded in America for over 200 years.

Or you can refuse to assimilate and just keep working minimum wage or below jobs. Your choice.


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