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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Illegal Immigration: From Bad to Worse?

From My Way News:

President Bush pressed divided Republicans on Tuesday to support him on immigration overhaul, saying "status quo is unacceptable."

I agree, Mr. President. But changing the status quo at the price of amnesty is unacceptable also.

We need to lock down the border, allowing legal immigrants only through, and send all the lawbreakers home. THEN we can talk about guest worker programs, etc.


Haggs said...

So your plan is to send all 12 million illegal immigrants back to Mexico?

Good luck with that.

Bob Ellis said...

It'll be tough to get them all, but you have to start somewhere. By the logic you propose, if we can't stop all crime, we might as well not try at all. And we know that's not a realistic approach.

Besides, aggressive deportation will not only remove and punish the lawbreakers, it'll cool the jets of many who might otherwise be tempted to cross the border: why go to the trouble and risk if you're only going to be sent back home again?

The United States is the nation that defied the British Empire, settled a continent, built the Panama Canal, won World War II, carved presidents on the side of a mountain, went to the moon and defeated the Soviet Empire.

We can do almost anything, God helping us, that we set our minds to. The only problem so far is that we haven't even begun to set our minds to the task.

Haggs said...

To be honest with you, I'm sort of apathetic about this issue. Illegal immigration is just not something I care too much about. Is it a problem? Sure. But there are a lot of people who are smarter than me tackling this issue, so I leave it to them.

But I did like to see the Republicans and Democrats working together on something. That was nice and I wish it would happen more often.

Bob Ellis said...

I wish Democrats and Republicans would work together more, too. It just seems like the only time they do, Republicans abandon Republican values to do it, seldom the other way around.

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