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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Gas Mileage Standards Upcoming in U.S. Senate

CAFE standards have resulted in more dangerous automobiles

WASHINGTON, June 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Senate will be debating energy legislation this week and next. One provision, requiring huge increases in motor vehicle fuel economy (CAFE) standards is a bad idea. (Full Story)


Anonymous said...

I think the average American consumer really doesn't get to read enough articles like thiI think the average American consumer really doesn't get to read enough articles like this that does a really good job of putting things into perspective. Everyone wants more fuel efficient cars, but they don’t want government imposing restrictions on the automobiles they can purchase either. While this new legislation will hit car companies first, Americans need to see that this will hit them too in the long run. who I do some work with has a lot of great info on this subject too and they also have a form for you to contact your own representatives and let them know how you feel about the subject. Its really worth a look and its really important if you care about this issue to be vocal now before Washington is finished fiddling with an issue that effects everyone who uses a car in this country. s that puts

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