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Friday, June 15, 2007

Chinese Weapons Being Used Against Americans

The Washington Times says new intelligence report indicate China is supplying weapons to terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms.

Of course, China is playing dumb. But what do we expect from communist enemies?
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Wednesday that the flow of Iranian arms to Afghanistan is "fairly substantial" and that it is likely taking place with the help of the Iranian government.

Defense officials are upset that Chinese weapons are being used to kill Americans. "Americans are being killed by Chinese-supplied weapons, with the full knowledge and understanding of Beijing where these weapons are going," one official said.

Probably the most tragic element in this equation is that these Chinese weapons being supplied to terrorists who are killing Americas are being paid for by Americans.

With the massive amount of trade goods we buy from China, we are funding the war against our own American troops.

Previous administrations--including that of George H.W. Bush--were foolish to think trading with China would make them more democratic and make them our friends. All it did was make them richer as they laughed at the stupid, gullible Americans.

Trade with China, which never should have started in the first place, should end immediately.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"Previous administrations--including that of George H.W. Bush--were foolish to think trading with China would make them more democratic and make them our friends. All it did was make them richer as they laughed at the stupid, gullible Americans.

Trade with China, which never should have started in the first place, should end immediately."

I so agree! It's bad enough to have to shop at Wal-Mart, worse to have to shop at China-Mart!!!

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