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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, June 11, 2007

Denver: Stiffing the Citizens for a Fantasy

The city of Denver is getting serious about fighting the myth of anthropogenic global warming.

From the Rocky Mountain News:

Denver may ask residents to make personal sacrifices to combat global warming. Ideas being considered:

• Making heavy users of electricity and natural gas pay more

•Charging residents who throw away a lot of trash

• Setting energy-efficiency standards for new construction

• Giving carpoolers and hybrids priority for parking

Meanwhile, as Drudge points out, Denver just saw it's coldest June morning in 50 years, and 9 of 12 warmest years for Denver occured before 1955. (This reminds me of how the global warming conference in D.C. this past winter was cancelled TWICE due to blizzard conditions).

This trash proposal sounds like they want to charge residents $10 a month to fund the replacement of alley trash bins with garbage cans so they can THEN charge you still MORE if you produce more than your good-citizenly allotment of trash.

I could be wrong, but I suspect that all this malarkey about man-made global warming is all fine and dandy with the average person responding to a poll. But once you start hitting people in the wallet like this, I think they'll start asking for a little more proof than Al Gore's dashing smile.


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