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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, February 18, 2007

Typical Garbage from MSM

Here's the latest in the usual shipment of shallow philosophical garbage from Randall Beck and the Argus Leader, as he complains about how tired he is of the abortion debate:

The saddest thing about this mess is that those who expend so much energy and righteous indignation tend to be inexplicably silent on other moral outrages - the teacher who cannot make a living wage; the thousands of South Dakota children who cannot get medical treatment because mom and dad lack insurance; the decisions that force our fellow citizens to breathe second-hand smoke.

Who is forcing these teachers to stay in an occupation where they can't make a living wage? I would dispute that assertion about how much they make, first of all, but tell me: who is holding a gun to their heads or holding their families hostages so that they are unable to make a career change? I was unaware we had a Soviet-style managed economy, or a caste system in America. I must have missed the memo on that change.

Also, name one, just a single one, child who has been denied medical care? Go ahead. Name one. And even if they had (and they haven't), are there no friends, families, churches or charities they could turn to for financial assistance?

I'm also wondering who is holding a gun to people's heads and breathing second-hand smoke down their throats. I consider myself fairly observant, but I've never seen an incident of this nature, either.

Frankly, I'm sick of the debate over liberals trying to socialize everything in sight. I'm sick of the debate over liberals telling employers they have to pay employees a certain amount, whether their work is worth that much or not. I'm weary of government poking its nose into areas where people and the market should be deciding things.

I'm sick of liberals obfuscating about abortion and the scientifically undeniable fact that it kills a human being. I'm sick of liberals demanding the right to murder their children so we can maintain sexual autonomy and avoid the consequences of our actions.

And I'm sick of liberals saying it's immoral when the government doesn't interfere in areas where people could exercise their own preference or take care of their own needs, yet object when government tries to fulfill one of its few legitimate roles: protecting the innocent from death.

I'm tired, too. So why don't you liberals just shut up and let the grownups restore our state and nation to the way it used to be, so we can get back to being a free people under God who respect the sanctity of human life.


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