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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Episcopalian Reaction to Anglican Ultimatum

From the LA Times, reaction from US Episcopalians on the ultimatum from Anglican leaders for the US branch get its act together and start taking Scripture seriously:

On the other side, the Rev. Praveen Bunyan, whose St. James Church of Newport Beach broke away from the U.S. church in 2004 to join an Anglican province in Uganda, said he was encouraged to see the primates "give the Episcopal Church one last chance to turn around."

However, it's doubtful many of the offending churches will heed the warning:

At Pasadena's All Saints Episcopal Church, an influential, liberal congregation, the Rev. Ed Bacon said his church would still bless same-sex unions.

"We have many people very concerned about whether All Saints will be intimidated by this, but we will continue our ministry with pastoral care, compassion and justice," Bacon said.

If these churches had any sense of propriety to begin with, they wouldn't be ordaining homosexuals as bishops, etc., and blessing homosexual unions.

By the number of times it's addresses and by the clarity of the language, the Bible is more clear that homosexuality is a sin than it is on rape. Any church or Christian who claims they can't figure that out has some fundamental problems with integrity.


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