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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, February 23, 2007

Porn for Kids at the Library

Your tax dollars at work, providing porn for children in the Rapid City public library.

From KOTA:

As the mother of a teen girl, Mary Ford found herself turning the pages of a book, unable to believe her eyes.

'There were naked bodies. Naked bodies in sexual positions,' Ford said.

And the more she saw, the angrier she became.

'It looked as if in some cases, they actually were having sex.'

The pictures were contained in a graphic novella of an Asian illustration technique known as Manga, or Anime, inside an expanded comic book format referred to as a graphic novel.

The problem? The book had been checked out and brought home by Mary's 13 year old daughter.

'My son had gone with her to the library and he noticed this book and brought it to me and said, 'Mom, I think you need to see this,' and I looked at it and it was basically cartoon pornography.' Ford said.

Ford promptly took the book back to the library and lodged a complaint with the library administrator, Greta Chapman.

So is the library going to correct this? Think again.

'And she told me she was sorry that I was offended, or that my daughter was offended, but that there was nothing wrong with the book and that there was nothing she could do.'

What's wrong with this picture?


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