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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pro-Life Defensive Mindset

The abortion ban, HB 1293, was shot down in the Senate State Affairs committee this morning, with only one senator having the guts to vote for sending it to the Senate floor.

There are, of course, those who oppose this bill so they can keep abortion on demand as the law of the land. But I don't believe it could have been brought down without the lack of support from the pro-life community.

Seems pro-lifers are still enslaved to the defensive mindset. I'm referring, as I have before, to that mindset which plagues conservatives in general which says fighting aggressively for your values is somehow dirty or wrong.

If it were up to me, would I have waited a year before going for another ban? Maybe. But a good bill was put out, and it should have been defended as it was in the House.

Yeah, I'm tired of the abortion debate, too. Yeah, I'm tired after a tough campaign last year. But tired doesn't bring victory. Incrementalism doesn't bring victory. Always putting off the battle until tomorrow doesn't bring victory.

As long as conservatives and pro-lifers are ashamed of their values and lack the conviction to fight aggressively for them, we'll keep losing. For those of you who have this timid mindset and refused to support this bill, if you're comfortable with losing, keep doing what you're doing.


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