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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sex with Impunity

The hyper-feminists at are cheering news of a potential vaccine for the Sexually Transmitted Disease of chlamydia.

What's interesting about their post today is the transparency about why they like vaccinations against STDs (hint: it isn't to ease suffering):

If the scientific community continues to develop STD vaccines, abstinence-only programs are going to have to resort to their far-weaker arguments about the emotional/moral consequences of sex rather than the straight-up medical risks.

Negative consequences have always been a key factor in reducing negative behavior. Remove the consequences and you get more of that behavior.

We've seen a drastic increase in crime since we became soft in punishing crime, and we've also seen a drastic increase in sex outside of marriage since the modern advent of effective contraception.

As the hyper-feminists noted, if the hazards of STDs are negated, all that remains are (a) moral consequences and (b) emotional/psychological damage from sex outside of marriage.

Our culture has done a pretty good job of pretty much erasing reason (a) for keeping sex within marriage. Emotional/psychological consequences are always much harder to identify and quantify. After all, the reality of STDs are hard to argue when you have the physical symptoms and medical evidence staring you in the face. It's much easier to deny that your depression, anxiety, discontent, etc. is due to having sex outside of marriage; you can blame it on being fed biscuits with a slingshot as a child, or just deny any emotional disturbance altogether.

So what's the goal?

One more step toward a world where there will be NO medical reason to abstain from sex as long as all your shots are in order!

And so what if hearts are ripped to shreds in the process. So what if the family stability that is the bedrock of any civilization crumbles to dust. There's lots of screwing to be done! Nothing must stand in the way of sex with impunity.

I wonder what's wrong with some of these women at Feministing and Coat Hangers (I'm assuming the latter no-name blogger(s)are women). While most healthy women enjoy sex, these hyper-feminists seem maniacally consecrated to unbridled female sexuality.

Are they afraid that if they aren't available on demand to men for sexual purposes, men will have no use for them?


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